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Infrared Heaters – Residential Heating

Infrared Heaters – Residential Heating

Brant RadiantBrant Radiant Heaters Limited is “Canada’s leader in infra-red technology.” Extensive in-house research, coupled with field-proven results over three decades, has enabled our company to continue to expand through innovative technologies that increase the applications for Re-Verber-Ray gas and Quartz-Ray electric infra-red heaters.

LD Series

The LD Series two-stage tube type infrared heater incorporates the latest Re-Verber-Ray technology including such upgrades as Two-stage operation, titanium alloy aluminized steel combustion tube, “Opti-Thermal” heat transfer baffles and operational indicator lights. Approved for Industrial, Residential or Outdoor Use*

LS Series

The LS Series is a single input tube type infrared heater incorporating the latest Re-Verber-Ray technology including such upgrades as titanium alloy aluminized steel combustion tube, “Opti-Thermal” heat transfer baffles and operational indicator lights. Approved for Industrial, Residential or Outdoor Use*

Quartz-Ray Electric

The Quartz-Ray Electric line of infra-red heaters have inputs available from 500 to 4000 watts per heater and provides yet another option to the customer. The complete Quartz-Ray Electric product line features proven technology, ease of installation and energy efficiency.

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